Tide of Spawn
At the beginning of the month I picked up the Tide of Spawn boxed set that came out with the Warhammer 40K Apocalypse release. Now, with half the month gone I've finally got all the models put together. Ten spawn and sixteen marines later (the box comes with ten marines but I had six in blisters that I picked up a few years ago) I've finally got them all assembled. Now its on to painting. My plan is to have these guys form the core of a new Chaos Space Marine army.
October in Review
Here's the October breakdown. Mortgage of course stayed the same while other home costs jumped significantly. This was due to utilities, payment for services and the purchase of a mattress for the guest room. This was slightly offset by Entertainment, which overall saw a decrease and a deferment of payment to November for some of the Leavenworth trip. The other categories remained generally the same. There was a boost this month from investment ROI that helped offset Home costs (at the expense of building Equity).