
Side Project

Since I am on vacation and my time does not belong to a large corporation I have taken the opportunity to work on some side programming projects. The basics of a spelling game are now in place and I spent a bit of time today playing with what I made. I am not sure if it is because I have not been working on the project for very long, or if I just like spelling games, but it is a lot of fun. There is still quite a lot of work to do before it is polished, but what I have is definitely a start. I need to take more vacations so that I can get even more work done.
The travel portion of the vacation is fast approaching. Half a week will be spent in southern Idaho before coming home for a day before going to northen Idaho for close to a week. Many relatives will be visited.
I have been slacking on my workout regimen. I have neither gone to the gym nor gone for a run these last four days. With a bunch of travelling coming up there will be even less opportunity for self improvement. I must get myself out of the house tomorrow for some physical activity.

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