A friend and I did a 1750pt battle for our weekly Tuesday face off. I decided to try out a demon bomb army. I prefer armies with speed, and speed is definitely a requirement for a good demon bomb. I was also keen to test out some mounted Thousand Sons. Here's the list:
Chaos Lord w/bike, power weapon, meltabombs, mark of tzeentch, personal icon
Greater Demon
Chosen 9 members, champion with meltabombs & powerfist, icon of Tzeentch, 2 plasma guns
Chaos Terminators 4 champions, icon of Tzeentch, 2 chainfists, reaper autocannon
Thousand Sons 4 marines, sorcerer with doombolt and personal icon mounted in a rhino
Thousand Sons 4 marines, sorcerer with doombolt and personal icon mounted in a rhino
6 Lesser Demons
6 Lesser Demons
Fast Attack
Bike Squad 5 bikes, champion w/power sword & meltabombs, icon of Tzeentch, plasma gun, meltagun
Raptor Squad 5 members, champion w/meltabombs
My Ultramarine opponent brought a bunch of 5-man tactical squads with heavy weapons, an assault squad led by a jumpy chaplain, a scout squad with sniper rifles and missile launcher, two dreadnoughts (one venerable), a pair of land speeders, a vindicator and two predators with twin-lascannons and heavy bolter sponsons.
All in all it worked really well. The terminators and demons came in half on turn two and half on turn three. The thousand sons held down an entire flank, using the rhinos as mobile pieces of cover, keeping everything but a single target from having line of sight to the thousand sons. And of course that single target was what the thousand sons blew away in the shooting phase. The thousand sons managed to clean up and hold the entire right flank, only taking casualities in the last couple turns of the game when the chaplain and assault marine remnant charged them.
The bomb itself also worked great, bringing extra pressure to bear where it was needed. Lesser demons were more than able to tie up and kill the marines they came up against. The greater demon chewed up a tactical squad and most of the assault squad before being brought down.
By far the most frustrating element of the army for my opponent was the invulnerable save that each and every trooper in my army had. At worst I always had a 5+ save versus anything he could throw at me, and most things had a 4+. Lascannons, assault cannons, power fists and dreadnought weapons mean a lot less when you're still able to roll a 4+ to ignore a hit.
If I had to change anything, it would probably be to fit some lightning claws and a combi-melta on the lord, put some combi-plasma on the terminators, and fill the chosen squad with the maximum number of plasma guns possible.
MVP of the game was the aspiring sorcerer who force-weaponed the jumpy chaplain on my last turn.
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