The Demonzilla's first outing was a dismal failure. The troop selections were the ones to show up first and then the monstrous creatures stayed at home in the warp until turn four. They gave a good show when they showed up, but it was too little too late.
We did manage to get a lower point game in as well. A Lord of Change in a 750 battle is a pretty unbalancing factor.
Tonight will be their second outing, albeit at a lower points value.
We're doing one thousand point team battles. I'll bring a lord of change, the Masque, some bloodletters, daemonettes, horrors and a khorne demon prince. My teammate is running chaos marines and we're going up against ultramarines and dark angels. Even with the points split between us there should be quite a few monstrous creatures on the table.
I think if I had the model, I'd drop the masque, horrors, and khorne demon prince and replace him with a bloodthirster. Which means it might be time to pick up a bloodthirster model. Maybe black friday....
The plan for tonight's 40K game is to bring 2000 points of monstrous creature heavy demons. I wanted to field an army that let me use my old greater demon models, and that would hopefully play differently than the list that comes out of the army box.
The list:
Lord of Change We are Legion, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos, Boon of Mutation
10 Bloodletters Icon, Fury of Khorne, Instrument of Chaos
10 Daemonettes Icon, Instrument of Chaos
5 Pink Horrors Icon, Bolt of Tzeentch, Changeling
Heavy Support
Demon Prince Mark of Tzeentch, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Breath of Chaos, Daemonic Gaze, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Boon of Mutation
Demon Prince Mark of Tzeentch, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Breath of Chaos, Daemonic Gaze, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Boon of Mutation
Demon Prince Mark of Khorn, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Death Strike
3 scoring units, 9 kill points.
It's low on scoring units, but the Bloodletters and Daemonettes are traveling in a reasonably large blocks and plan on getting into hand to hand and winning. The plan is to drop in with the Greater Demon and Demon Princes on the turn one wave, trying to keep them together. They'll have a bunch of shooting attacks that can kill MEQs from 18+ inches away. Turn two they are in melee combat or destroying dangerous, armored vehicles. Moving them in groups means that even if my opponent concentrates fire chances are they won't get all four monstrous creatures. Breath of Chaos templates and three chances to create chaos spawn every turn.
If the chaos gods don't smile upon me and I get the other half of the army on turn one, then their job is to set themselves up for a turn two charge, and bring down the demon princes to support with breath and boon. Also the masque and changeling do what they can to disrupt the opponents movement.
Smaller points versions of this list (750 and 1000) just include the Lord of Change, Bloodletters, and Horrors, adding princes to get to the desired points value.
The list:
Lord of Change We are Legion, Master of Sorcery, Breath of Chaos, Boon of Mutation
10 Bloodletters Icon, Fury of Khorne, Instrument of Chaos
10 Daemonettes Icon, Instrument of Chaos
5 Pink Horrors Icon, Bolt of Tzeentch, Changeling
Heavy Support
Demon Prince Mark of Tzeentch, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Breath of Chaos, Daemonic Gaze, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Boon of Mutation
Demon Prince Mark of Tzeentch, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Breath of Chaos, Daemonic Gaze, Master of Sorcery, Bolt of Tzeentch, Boon of Mutation
Demon Prince Mark of Khorn, Iron Hide, Flight, Might, Death Strike
3 scoring units, 9 kill points.
It's low on scoring units, but the Bloodletters and Daemonettes are traveling in a reasonably large blocks and plan on getting into hand to hand and winning. The plan is to drop in with the Greater Demon and Demon Princes on the turn one wave, trying to keep them together. They'll have a bunch of shooting attacks that can kill MEQs from 18+ inches away. Turn two they are in melee combat or destroying dangerous, armored vehicles. Moving them in groups means that even if my opponent concentrates fire chances are they won't get all four monstrous creatures. Breath of Chaos templates and three chances to create chaos spawn every turn.
If the chaos gods don't smile upon me and I get the other half of the army on turn one, then their job is to set themselves up for a turn two charge, and bring down the demon princes to support with breath and boon. Also the masque and changeling do what they can to disrupt the opponents movement.
Smaller points versions of this list (750 and 1000) just include the Lord of Change, Bloodletters, and Horrors, adding princes to get to the desired points value.
Public Questing
I was working on finishing out the influence from some earlier chapters, so I went through the stages of a number of public quests in Ostland and Troll Country.
Umbrella and I finished out the Krul'Gor Herd and managed to horn in on Ragash's Last Stand. Krul'Gor Herd is a chapter below where we are, and Ragash is a chapter ahead. With Krul'Gor the two of us were pretty much able to solo the whole thing, and with Ragash there would have been no way to do it all without all the other people who showed up.
We also mucked about with Bells of War (chapter 5) and Griffon Outpost (chapter 7), and while we didn't finish either of those off, we did make it to some of the later stages.

Ragash's Last Stand was a disappointment for me, since I didn't get any loot. Umbrella managed to snag a small bag, but I don't think he got anything from it that was particularly spectacular. I understand that rolling for loot and assigning a bonus based on contribution is a good way to keep people from simply hopping in at the end of a public quest and grabbing a reward without having put the time in. But when I'm there for all the stages of a quest and I still end up with no loot I come away feeling cheated. Especially since that's the only time I'll ever do that quest. As fast as levels go by in this game I'll never end up going back and doing those quests again. Higher level PQs are a different story, since once you hit the level cap there's little else you can do to advance your character except search for better equipment.
Witness Krul'Gor Herd

Here I ended up with the second highest contribution bonus, but sill only barely managed to snag a loot bag. If there had been one less loot bag or one more higher level person helping out I would have gotten nada again. As it was I still ended up getting nothing useful for myself.
Griping aside, I do love some of the public quests. Staged monster fights are a great joy, giving me a sense of discovery and accomplishment as the encounter stages tick by and we, as a group, discover the mechanics of each stage. I'll be logging on tonight and hope to tackle a few more public quests, and maybe even poke my head into the Sacellum Dungeons.
Attika VI - Campaign Week 4
Reports from Attika VI clearly indicate that the chaos incursion has been repulsed. Preliminary reports suggest that despite fierce fighting inside the city walls, casualties were within acceptable parameters. Timely intervention on the part of the Dark Angels and the Sisters Sororitas ensured that most of the holy sites within the city were kept safe.
Pictures can be found here.
For the Raven God
A buddy and I have been playing Warhammer Online for a couple weeks now. He's the tank and I'm a fragile glass cannon of a magus. Together we roam the countryside making trouble for the forces of Order.

For instance, this guy named "Calvus." Don't know who he is or what he's about, but he's in for a world of hurt.

For instance, this guy named "Calvus." Don't know who he is or what he's about, but he's in for a world of hurt.
The Defense of Attika VI
In preparation for the final round in our campaign, I've drawn up what I hope will be an army reasonably capable of taking and holding all table objectives.
Since I know we'll be playing objectives, the list is designed around having a lot of men on the table, with a lot of scoring units. Mixed in are some elite units to provide speed bumps that will keep the opposing forces from simply rolling over the objective grabbing portions of the army. There's a distinct lack of heavy support in this thousand point army, and it would be very weak to anything that decided to bring a bunch of monstrous creatures or a bunch of heavy vehicles. Hopefully in one thousand points there wouldn't be many of either of these, and if there were then they would be unable to lay down the amount of weapon fire necessary to knock eighty-seven infantrymen off the table.
There's a troops squad in a vehicle to get to distant objectives quickly and a smattering of weapons capable of destroying light transports. The sentinels are there to provide anti-swarm support, attacking anything that has a strength of 3 with its heavy flamer before charging in and tying them up for the rest of the game.
Junior Officer w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 2 autocannons
7 ratlings
5 ogryn
5 Hardened Veterans. Sargeant w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 3 melta guns, Chimera w/Heavy Bolter & Multilaser
Infanty Platoon
Junior Officer w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 2 plasma guns
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
20 conscripts
Armored Fist Squad w/flamer and Chimera w/Heavy Bolter & Multilaser
Fast Attack
Sentinel w/Heavy Flamer
Sentinel w/Heavy Flamer
87 infantrymen
2 tank
2 walkers
3 meltas
2 Heavy Bolters
2 Multilasers
2 Plasma Guns
2 Autocannons
5 scoring units, 14 kill points.
Since I know we'll be playing objectives, the list is designed around having a lot of men on the table, with a lot of scoring units. Mixed in are some elite units to provide speed bumps that will keep the opposing forces from simply rolling over the objective grabbing portions of the army. There's a distinct lack of heavy support in this thousand point army, and it would be very weak to anything that decided to bring a bunch of monstrous creatures or a bunch of heavy vehicles. Hopefully in one thousand points there wouldn't be many of either of these, and if there were then they would be unable to lay down the amount of weapon fire necessary to knock eighty-seven infantrymen off the table.
There's a troops squad in a vehicle to get to distant objectives quickly and a smattering of weapons capable of destroying light transports. The sentinels are there to provide anti-swarm support, attacking anything that has a strength of 3 with its heavy flamer before charging in and tying them up for the rest of the game.
Junior Officer w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 2 autocannons
7 ratlings
5 ogryn
5 Hardened Veterans. Sargeant w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 3 melta guns, Chimera w/Heavy Bolter & Multilaser
Infanty Platoon
Junior Officer w/bolt pistol & power weapon, 2 plasma guns
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
Infantry Squad
20 conscripts
Armored Fist Squad w/flamer and Chimera w/Heavy Bolter & Multilaser
Fast Attack
Sentinel w/Heavy Flamer
Sentinel w/Heavy Flamer
87 infantrymen
2 tank
2 walkers
3 meltas
2 Heavy Bolters
2 Multilasers
2 Plasma Guns
2 Autocannons
5 scoring units, 14 kill points.