I was working on finishing out the influence from some earlier chapters, so I went through the stages of a number of public quests in Ostland and Troll Country.
Umbrella and I finished out the Krul'Gor Herd and managed to horn in on Ragash's Last Stand. Krul'Gor Herd is a chapter below where we are, and Ragash is a chapter ahead. With Krul'Gor the two of us were pretty much able to solo the whole thing, and with Ragash there would have been no way to do it all without all the other people who showed up.
We also mucked about with Bells of War (chapter 5) and Griffon Outpost (chapter 7), and while we didn't finish either of those off, we did make it to some of the later stages.

Ragash's Last Stand was a disappointment for me, since I didn't get any loot. Umbrella managed to snag a small bag, but I don't think he got anything from it that was particularly spectacular. I understand that rolling for loot and assigning a bonus based on contribution is a good way to keep people from simply hopping in at the end of a public quest and grabbing a reward without having put the time in. But when I'm there for all the stages of a quest and I still end up with no loot I come away feeling cheated. Especially since that's the only time I'll ever do that quest. As fast as levels go by in this game I'll never end up going back and doing those quests again. Higher level PQs are a different story, since once you hit the level cap there's little else you can do to advance your character except search for better equipment.
Witness Krul'Gor Herd

Here I ended up with the second highest contribution bonus, but sill only barely managed to snag a loot bag. If there had been one less loot bag or one more higher level person helping out I would have gotten nada again. As it was I still ended up getting nothing useful for myself.
Griping aside, I do love some of the public quests. Staged monster fights are a great joy, giving me a sense of discovery and accomplishment as the encounter stages tick by and we, as a group, discover the mechanics of each stage. I'll be logging on tonight and hope to tackle a few more public quests, and maybe even poke my head into the Sacellum Dungeons.
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