I sat myself down and looked through some forums yesterday to see what other people were doing with their Magus buildouts. Formerly I was going all single-target direct damage, with my mastery tree specced to increase the damage this was doing. Turns out most people are doing area of effect damage, speccing to the mastery tree that boosts the skills that do spirit damage. I gave it a shot and there's a huge difference. I can single-handedly take down Champion mobs that would have crushed me before, sometimes even handling two. I also manage to crush large groups.

We muscled through the intro stages of a number of chapter seven and eight quests, and cleared the Chapter 8 PQ "Lurza's Blight." This was a three stage PQ. The first just having you kill a bunch of plague priests and their attendant nurglings. The Train and Pain tactic working great here, as we would mow down at least eight at a time. Stage two had us killing nine Rot Bearers(lvl 17 champs I think). These spawned in groups of three and summoned nurglings that could be killed in one shot, but that would basically be DoTs against you. AoE cleared the little guys right out.
Finally Lurza his/herself shows up, accompanied by three plaguebearers. When fighting her, just concentrate your attacks and ignore the plaguebearers. Any time you kill one another will come right back and as a 17 Hero it will probably take a minute or two before you knock her down.
Of course, the loot from the PQ was worse than what either of us already had. I don't understand why with just two people finishing a PQ in the area where they belong we still ended up with two Lesser Loot Bags. Where's my awesome PQ loot?
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