I recieved a Nordic Bakeware Platinum Series Sunflower Mini Bundt Pan for Christmas. The first trial batch is out of the oven. I used the recipe that was included on the packaging (I omitted the food coloring).
The biggest worry about any bundt cake, and especially a bundt cake in a mold with lots of nooks and crannies like this one is getting the proper release. I simply used a pastry brush to spread oil on the outside. This wasn't ideal since the oil tended to bead up on the non-stick surface. The nordicware site recommends using cooking spray (among other things). I'm not a big fan of sprays with all their aerosol and extra packaging, but I've had success with larger chocolate bundt cakes in the past using a melted butter and cocoa powder paste. I could probably do something similar to that for these lighter-color cakes, but use flour instead.
All in all the cakes still released well. Two of the six released perfectly, and the other 4 managed to hold their shape pretty well. In addition to a better release mixture on the pans themselves I probably could have stood to wait for the cakes to cool in the pan a bit longer.
Tide of Spawn
At the beginning of the month I picked up the Tide of Spawn boxed set that came out with the Warhammer 40K Apocalypse release. Now, with half the month gone I've finally got all the models put together. Ten spawn and sixteen marines later (the box comes with ten marines but I had six in blisters that I picked up a few years ago) I've finally got them all assembled. Now its on to painting. My plan is to have these guys form the core of a new Chaos Space Marine army.
October in Review
Here's the October breakdown. Mortgage of course stayed the same while other home costs jumped significantly. This was due to utilities, payment for services and the purchase of a mattress for the guest room. This was slightly offset by Entertainment, which overall saw a decrease and a deferment of payment to November for some of the Leavenworth trip. The other categories remained generally the same. There was a boost this month from investment ROI that helped offset Home costs (at the expense of building Equity).
Weekend Report and Other Stuff
The RoqLaRue opening was a good show. They've usually got the same guy DJing each month, and normally it's pretty unobtrusive, but apparently October is 80s month. Yumiko Kayukawa's paintings didn't do very much for me. Individually they were quite nice. She's definitely refined a particular style and color pallete that works for her. Here's an example.

You never need to see another one of her paintings. It's always the same girl. Throw in some flowers, kanji, an animal duo and some pop culture references and you're done. I think that when an artist stops trying and starts recycling it stops being art and becomes craft.
The other artist, Ojimbo, was good. I could see picking up one of the carvings (if they weren't all already sold) or a drawing (if I end up with free cash flow at the end of the month). I recommend going to see the show or stopping by the web site to see his stuff.
For dinner I took a lady to the Icon Grill. The highlight here was the fried macaroni and cheese. I'd never heard of such a thing, but it was delicious. My Stuffed Chicken Provencal and my companion's Grilled Pear Salad were both good, although the pears in the salad were underripe. In all it was a passable meal. It was a bit expensive and the decor looked like it was trying to do an upscale copy of the Seattle Convention Center's Cheesecake Factory so I can't say that I'd recommend it if someone were asking where they should go. The main problem here I think is that Icon Grill is across the street from the WestInn and a block away from the Warwick. The crowd was packed with out of town businesspeople. So in effect they're a hotel restaurant that's not exactly attached to a hotel. Which is to say they're where you go when you're staying in a hotel and want something "classy" but don't want to go very far away from where you're sleeping.

You never need to see another one of her paintings. It's always the same girl. Throw in some flowers, kanji, an animal duo and some pop culture references and you're done. I think that when an artist stops trying and starts recycling it stops being art and becomes craft.
The other artist, Ojimbo, was good. I could see picking up one of the carvings (if they weren't all already sold) or a drawing (if I end up with free cash flow at the end of the month). I recommend going to see the show or stopping by the web site to see his stuff.
For dinner I took a lady to the Icon Grill. The highlight here was the fried macaroni and cheese. I'd never heard of such a thing, but it was delicious. My Stuffed Chicken Provencal and my companion's Grilled Pear Salad were both good, although the pears in the salad were underripe. In all it was a passable meal. It was a bit expensive and the decor looked like it was trying to do an upscale copy of the Seattle Convention Center's Cheesecake Factory so I can't say that I'd recommend it if someone were asking where they should go. The main problem here I think is that Icon Grill is across the street from the WestInn and a block away from the Warwick. The crowd was packed with out of town businesspeople. So in effect they're a hotel restaurant that's not exactly attached to a hotel. Which is to say they're where you go when you're staying in a hotel and want something "classy" but don't want to go very far away from where you're sleeping.
Weekend in Seattle
Recommended outings in Seattle for the weekend of October 12, 2007. Listed in order of what shows are closing first.
RoqLaRue opening on Friday. Depending on who shows up there could be sushi afterwards.
Mike Daisey will be performing at Hugo House tonight (Friday) only. I've been to a few of Daisey's monologues. He's self-deprecating, informative and interesting. I can't speak to the other people who are also presenting, but Mike Daisey alone should be enough to bring you in.
Theatre Off Jackson is putting on a Halloween show featuring Dracula. Puppets mixed (if I'm reading it right) with live actors.
5/10K Dawg Dash. 9:30 at the Husky Stadium. Sunday.
Kung Fu Grindhouse at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard. Go there. Watch Drunken Master. Drink Greyhounds.
The Latest H.P. Lovecraft stories open at Open Circle Theatre. I've gone the last two or three years and it never fails to entertain. Great for mythos fans anywhere. I'll likely be going closer to Halloween itself instead of this weekend, but its highly recommended. Open Circle is also near 13 coins, which is great for a post-show meal.
If you've never seen Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, the Taproot Theatre is putting it on. It's fucking hilarious and while I don't have any specific information on this production, I can't imagine a way to completely ruin the script.
HUG at the Frye Art Museum. I went to see this a couple weekends ago. It's got some neat stuff, and the other shows on display at the Frye are interesting, too. The pseudo-cubist stuff was neat, and since I'd never been there before I fell in love with a girl in a painting in the permanent collection.
RoqLaRue opening on Friday. Depending on who shows up there could be sushi afterwards.
Mike Daisey will be performing at Hugo House tonight (Friday) only. I've been to a few of Daisey's monologues. He's self-deprecating, informative and interesting. I can't speak to the other people who are also presenting, but Mike Daisey alone should be enough to bring you in.
Theatre Off Jackson is putting on a Halloween show featuring Dracula. Puppets mixed (if I'm reading it right) with live actors.
5/10K Dawg Dash. 9:30 at the Husky Stadium. Sunday.
Kung Fu Grindhouse at the Sunset Tavern in Ballard. Go there. Watch Drunken Master. Drink Greyhounds.
The Latest H.P. Lovecraft stories open at Open Circle Theatre. I've gone the last two or three years and it never fails to entertain. Great for mythos fans anywhere. I'll likely be going closer to Halloween itself instead of this weekend, but its highly recommended. Open Circle is also near 13 coins, which is great for a post-show meal.
If you've never seen Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest, the Taproot Theatre is putting it on. It's fucking hilarious and while I don't have any specific information on this production, I can't imagine a way to completely ruin the script.
HUG at the Frye Art Museum. I went to see this a couple weekends ago. It's got some neat stuff, and the other shows on display at the Frye are interesting, too. The pseudo-cubist stuff was neat, and since I'd never been there before I fell in love with a girl in a painting in the permanent collection.
Defense of Hive City Outskirts
After Action Report: Hive City Bhamut. Bhamut defence force. Colonel Saunders. Personal Journal
Not being told why this particular piece of rock was so important, only knowing that the High City Lords had determined that an opposing force would be attempting to move through the abandoned tenements to the northeast of town. I was given charge of a small force and ordered to stop the intruders before they were able to gain a foothold.
In the middle of the day forms took shape on the horizon. Marching implacably, they came at us. We dug in and prepared. I was quite shocked to see my foe was indeed a band of Space Marines themselves. I had heard no reports of the Adeptus Astartes operating on Bhamut. I could only assume this was some sort of renegade band, no doubt given over to the depredation of the infernal powers.
Dark Angels vs. Imperial Guard. Take and Hold.
Dark Angels: Chaplain and 5 deathwing terminators deep striking, 2 10 man tactical squads with plasma cannons. One was broken into two 5 man detachments
Imperial Guard: Senior Officer command with plasma guns and commissar. Junior Officer with two squads. 5-man storm trooper squad (grenadiers) led by a veteran sergeant. 5 man squad of ratlings and 2 Leman Russ Battle tanks with 3 heavy bolters.
Terrain: A mix of forest and destroyed buildings. The right half of the battlefield had some tall buildings on it, the left half was mostly open except for some low hills. A large rock spire dominated the center of the field. The dark angels set up with the two 5 man squads on the left and the 10 man squad on the right, poised to advance through the town. The storm troopers set up on the far right, with the ratlings infiltrating into a building just ahead of them. The rest of the guard setup to hold the left and center of the table.
Imperial Guard: Looking to get some distance in order to use their main guns, one of the Leman Russ tanks drove towards the center of the table while the other threw the gears into reverse and backed away from the menacing deathwing. The remaining guard squad and Junior Officer advanced on the terminators, while the stormtroopers on the right moved into cover within the crumbling buildings. The guard squad sprayed the terminators with lasgun fire, but failed to make a mark. Then the Russes opened up, delivering a pair of explosive battle cannon shells right into the center of the terminators, killing four of them. The junior officer charged the terminators and managed to put a wound on the chaplain before falling back. Finally, the ratlings killed one of the members of the tactical squad advancing on the right flank.
Imperial Guard: The Junior Officer, being at less than half strength, can't rally and runs off the table. The command squad shoots and assaults the chaplain and terminator, killing them both. The storm troopers continue to advance to meet the large tactical squad advancing on the left. They combine their fire with the ratlings and undamaged Russ, managing to kill a few of the Emperor's Finest. The guard squad pours lasgun fire into the tactical squad in the center, killing two of the five. Finally, the storm troopers assault on the right, and manage to lose a few of their number and kill one marine, then are cut down in a sweeping assault.
Imperial Guard: The Command HQ assaults and massacres the three marines in the center, and consolidates back towards the center. The two Russes combine their fire and obliterate the Plasma Cannon firebase on the left. The ratlings fire on the right tactical squad but fail to have an effect.
Imperial Guard: everything in the army turned to pour fire into the remaining command squad. Between the ratlings, two Leman Russes and command squad the tactical squad was completely obliterated, although a plasma gunner did succumb to an unfortunate overheat.
Overall it was a fun battle. It was the first time my opponent and I had played with an objective. It was also our first experience with Deep Striking. I think I got lucky killing as many terminators I did on the first turn (average rolls would have killed two instead of four). Also I was extremely pleased with how my command squad handled close combat. Nine strength three power weapon attacks when charging puts a dent even in terminators. The stormtroopers could have done better, but I think that was mostly bad dice rolling on my part. Also I only scattered two out of seven ordnance blasts.
It looks like we won't be playing next week, but the week after we'll be adding another 250 points to the armies, bringing us up to a full 1000. My plan is to add a witchhunter inquisitor lord as a heavy bolter firebase and callidus assassin. Maybe a Culexus. I haven't really decided. They're all pretty great.
Not being told why this particular piece of rock was so important, only knowing that the High City Lords had determined that an opposing force would be attempting to move through the abandoned tenements to the northeast of town. I was given charge of a small force and ordered to stop the intruders before they were able to gain a foothold.
In the middle of the day forms took shape on the horizon. Marching implacably, they came at us. We dug in and prepared. I was quite shocked to see my foe was indeed a band of Space Marines themselves. I had heard no reports of the Adeptus Astartes operating on Bhamut. I could only assume this was some sort of renegade band, no doubt given over to the depredation of the infernal powers.
Dark Angels vs. Imperial Guard. Take and Hold.
Dark Angels: Chaplain and 5 deathwing terminators deep striking, 2 10 man tactical squads with plasma cannons. One was broken into two 5 man detachments
Imperial Guard: Senior Officer command with plasma guns and commissar. Junior Officer with two squads. 5-man storm trooper squad (grenadiers) led by a veteran sergeant. 5 man squad of ratlings and 2 Leman Russ Battle tanks with 3 heavy bolters.
Terrain: A mix of forest and destroyed buildings. The right half of the battlefield had some tall buildings on it, the left half was mostly open except for some low hills. A large rock spire dominated the center of the field. The dark angels set up with the two 5 man squads on the left and the 10 man squad on the right, poised to advance through the town. The storm troopers set up on the far right, with the ratlings infiltrating into a building just ahead of them. The rest of the guard setup to hold the left and center of the table.
Turn 1
Dark Angels: The deathwing terminators deep struck and landed right in front of the main imperial guard force. One of the 5-man squads advanced towards the center of the field while the large tactical squad started creeping through the town on the far right flank. The terminators and stationary plasman cannon decimated a squad of imperial guard, dropping eight of them and causing them to flee off the table.Imperial Guard: Looking to get some distance in order to use their main guns, one of the Leman Russ tanks drove towards the center of the table while the other threw the gears into reverse and backed away from the menacing deathwing. The remaining guard squad and Junior Officer advanced on the terminators, while the stormtroopers on the right moved into cover within the crumbling buildings. The guard squad sprayed the terminators with lasgun fire, but failed to make a mark. Then the Russes opened up, delivering a pair of explosive battle cannon shells right into the center of the terminators, killing four of them. The junior officer charged the terminators and managed to put a wound on the chaplain before falling back. Finally, the ratlings killed one of the members of the tactical squad advancing on the right flank.
Turn 2
Dark Angels: Left tactical squad continues its advance, shooting into the building where the ratlings were hiding, but failing to pick them out amongst the cover. On the left flank, the chaplain and remaining terminator advance on the Leman Russ near the center of the table, shooting at the guard squad as they go. Combined with plasma cannon fire and fire from the still advancing tactical detachment in the center of the table the guard squad loses a few of its number, but does not flee. Finally, the chaplain and terminator assault the Russ, manage to put a chainfist into its rear armor but only inflict a crew stunned result.Imperial Guard: The Junior Officer, being at less than half strength, can't rally and runs off the table. The command squad shoots and assaults the chaplain and terminator, killing them both. The storm troopers continue to advance to meet the large tactical squad advancing on the left. They combine their fire with the ratlings and undamaged Russ, managing to kill a few of the Emperor's Finest. The guard squad pours lasgun fire into the tactical squad in the center, killing two of the five. Finally, the storm troopers assault on the right, and manage to lose a few of their number and kill one marine, then are cut down in a sweeping assault.
Turn 3
Dark Angels: The three-man tactical squad in the center assaults and destroys the the remaining guard squad after it loses a few more members to plasman cannon fire. The tactical squad on the right takes a shot at the rear of the damaged Leman Russ, but the superheated plasma failed to penetrate.Imperial Guard: The Command HQ assaults and massacres the three marines in the center, and consolidates back towards the center. The two Russes combine their fire and obliterate the Plasma Cannon firebase on the left. The ratlings fire on the right tactical squad but fail to have an effect.
Turn 4
Dark Angels: With only one unit left, things are looking grim. The large tactical squad fires its plasma cannon at the command squad, managing to only kill the medic.Imperial Guard: everything in the army turned to pour fire into the remaining command squad. Between the ratlings, two Leman Russes and command squad the tactical squad was completely obliterated, although a plasma gunner did succumb to an unfortunate overheat.
Overall it was a fun battle. It was the first time my opponent and I had played with an objective. It was also our first experience with Deep Striking. I think I got lucky killing as many terminators I did on the first turn (average rolls would have killed two instead of four). Also I was extremely pleased with how my command squad handled close combat. Nine strength three power weapon attacks when charging puts a dent even in terminators. The stormtroopers could have done better, but I think that was mostly bad dice rolling on my part. Also I only scattered two out of seven ordnance blasts.
It looks like we won't be playing next week, but the week after we'll be adding another 250 points to the armies, bringing us up to a full 1000. My plan is to add a witchhunter inquisitor lord as a heavy bolter firebase and callidus assassin. Maybe a Culexus. I haven't really decided. They're all pretty great.
Weekend Highlights
As expected, the Cody Rivers Show and Crime and Punishment were both superb.
Probably the best moment of the Cody Rivers Show was when it all broke down. There was a small kid sitting behind me, probably eight or nine years old. The guys on stage were doing a bit and the kid yelled out, "Yeah!" right in the middle of it. The guys broke and just riffed for about five minutes. It was great.
I also got a lot of work done around the house, and managed to rid myself of 13.6 pounds of clothing and books. I'm on my way.
Probably the best moment of the Cody Rivers Show was when it all broke down. There was a small kid sitting behind me, probably eight or nine years old. The guys on stage were doing a bit and the kid yelled out, "Yeah!" right in the middle of it. The guys broke and just riffed for about five minutes. It was great.
I also got a lot of work done around the house, and managed to rid myself of 13.6 pounds of clothing and books. I'm on my way.
The Cody Rivers Show is playing tonight at the Theatre Off Jackson at 8:00 (doors at 7:30). Tickets are $12.
Also this month I'm going to bring back the weight loss competition. This time I'm going to include weight lost on my body as well as rubbish shed from my life. I'm setting an arbitrary goal of two hundred pounds by the end of the month.
More Imperial Guard
Played some more 40K this evening. I've tried out the same list a few times in a row now. We're up to playing 750 points. Against my Space Marine opponent this list has won twice and lost once. Tonight was one of those wins and one of those losses.
Senior Officer HQ w/power sword
Imperial guard platoon. 1 Junior Officer HQ and 2 Infantry Squads. No upgrades.
Armored Fist Squad. Chimera with Multilaser and Heavy Bolter.
2 Leman russ with Lascannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
This list performs fairly well. At the 750pt level there are a lot of troops on the board (40, or 35 if you just count the ratlings as stationary sniper platforms) so we can concentrate firepower pretty well. The Leman Russ are hardy. One of the wins (and the loss) they were the last of my army left on the table. The senior officer doesn't perform so well in close combat. I find myself wishing his squad was a harder hitter. My opponent has been fielding two tactical squads(one with rhino), a devastator squad, and a terminator chaplain. His power-armored goons spread across his starting line then march inexorably across the board. It's a rare day when I'm able to stop them from reaching my infantry line. The lack of counterassault in my army is causing me lots of concern. I've been perusing various sites and I think I'm going to have to ditch my chimera for some meatier hand to hand and shooty bits.
Here's my probably army list:
Senior Officer HQ
Force Weapon
2 plasma guns
Vet. Medic
2 Bolters
Iron Discipline
Commissar w/ power weapon
9 Ratlings
Infantry Platoon
Junior Officer w/power weapon & bolter
4 Storm troopers (grenadiers)
1 Veteran Sergeant w/ power weapon & bolter
2 melta guns
2 Leman Russ w/3 heavy bolters
Doctrines: Grenadiers, Ratlings, Iron Discipline, Drop Troops(its free, so why not have the option of not deploying most of my troops at game start.)
This still means I have 35 models on the field (again not including ratlings). I've given up the chimera in return for a passel of special weapons and some close combat meatiness. I'm excited to test this army out and see how it goes.
Senior Officer HQ w/power sword
Imperial guard platoon. 1 Junior Officer HQ and 2 Infantry Squads. No upgrades.
Armored Fist Squad. Chimera with Multilaser and Heavy Bolter.
2 Leman russ with Lascannon and Heavy Bolter Sponsons.
This list performs fairly well. At the 750pt level there are a lot of troops on the board (40, or 35 if you just count the ratlings as stationary sniper platforms) so we can concentrate firepower pretty well. The Leman Russ are hardy. One of the wins (and the loss) they were the last of my army left on the table. The senior officer doesn't perform so well in close combat. I find myself wishing his squad was a harder hitter. My opponent has been fielding two tactical squads(one with rhino), a devastator squad, and a terminator chaplain. His power-armored goons spread across his starting line then march inexorably across the board. It's a rare day when I'm able to stop them from reaching my infantry line. The lack of counterassault in my army is causing me lots of concern. I've been perusing various sites and I think I'm going to have to ditch my chimera for some meatier hand to hand and shooty bits.
Here's my probably army list:
Senior Officer HQ
Force Weapon
2 plasma guns
Vet. Medic
2 Bolters
Iron Discipline
Commissar w/ power weapon
9 Ratlings
Infantry Platoon
Junior Officer w/power weapon & bolter
4 Storm troopers (grenadiers)
1 Veteran Sergeant w/ power weapon & bolter
2 melta guns
2 Leman Russ w/3 heavy bolters
Doctrines: Grenadiers, Ratlings, Iron Discipline, Drop Troops(its free, so why not have the option of not deploying most of my troops at game start.)
This still means I have 35 models on the field (again not including ratlings). I've given up the chimera in return for a passel of special weapons and some close combat meatiness. I'm excited to test this army out and see how it goes.
Book Reports
I finished a couple of books in the last few weeks.
Darwin's Children, by Greg Bear, is the sequel to Darwin's Radio. I've read a number of other books by Mr. Bear and with the exception of W3 Women in Deep Time I feel confident recommending them all(Slant, the Eon Series). In the Darwin series, Bear asks what if the human race were on the verge of being replaced by the next evolutionary leap. Speculative genetic science and a dark view of the United States citizens and government hurl the protagonists through the story. It's a good read. The research that Mr. Bear puts into the Science behind his stories is evident, and he has a knack for being able to explain it to the lay person without dwelling on it to the expense of the rest of the story.
Where the sequel diverges from the original is its inclusion of spirituality. One of the main characters has an epiphany, feeling as though she is being directly touched by God. The story handles it maturely, exploring the emotional roller coaster this sort of experience subjects a person to. I'd be curious to discover what happened in the four years between the publishing of Radio and Children to make Mr. Bear decide to explore a topic like this in a work that had previously been grounded in pure science. Did he have such an epiphany himself, or did he stumble across the phenomenon of epiphanies while researching something else? Was he intrigued by the existence of God, or does the concept of a consistent unexplainable phenomenon happening to different people who have never met interest him more?
I've also just discovered that Slant is the last in a series of four. I need to get to the bookstore and find the first three.
Orion. Ben Bova. I don't believe I've read any of the author's other works, and I don't believe I will either. Orion is a monorail going over flat ground. The author spends as much time and detail on describing the character's feelings for a dead lover as he does listing the contents of a Neanderthal's rucksack. The time travel premises explored in the book are intriguing, but I think Mr. Bova could have gotten more mileage out of using them in a short story rather than a full length novel.
Darwin's Children, by Greg Bear, is the sequel to Darwin's Radio. I've read a number of other books by Mr. Bear and with the exception of W3 Women in Deep Time I feel confident recommending them all(Slant, the Eon Series). In the Darwin series, Bear asks what if the human race were on the verge of being replaced by the next evolutionary leap. Speculative genetic science and a dark view of the United States citizens and government hurl the protagonists through the story. It's a good read. The research that Mr. Bear puts into the Science behind his stories is evident, and he has a knack for being able to explain it to the lay person without dwelling on it to the expense of the rest of the story.
Where the sequel diverges from the original is its inclusion of spirituality. One of the main characters has an epiphany, feeling as though she is being directly touched by God. The story handles it maturely, exploring the emotional roller coaster this sort of experience subjects a person to. I'd be curious to discover what happened in the four years between the publishing of Radio and Children to make Mr. Bear decide to explore a topic like this in a work that had previously been grounded in pure science. Did he have such an epiphany himself, or did he stumble across the phenomenon of epiphanies while researching something else? Was he intrigued by the existence of God, or does the concept of a consistent unexplainable phenomenon happening to different people who have never met interest him more?
I've also just discovered that Slant is the last in a series of four. I need to get to the bookstore and find the first three.
Orion. Ben Bova. I don't believe I've read any of the author's other works, and I don't believe I will either. Orion is a monorail going over flat ground. The author spends as much time and detail on describing the character's feelings for a dead lover as he does listing the contents of a Neanderthal's rucksack. The time travel premises explored in the book are intriguing, but I think Mr. Bova could have gotten more mileage out of using them in a short story rather than a full length novel.
Drake's Revenge
I've recently acquired a Drake in EVE. It's the first ship I've kitted out as a passive shield tanker and I'm loving it. I was doing quick level 2 combat missions in my caracal before, but now I've upgraded to level 3. I can finish them in the same time as the level 2s but the loot and rewards are much better. My only peeve is that it's very slow. Cleaning and salvaging the loot drops takes a good long time.
Here's the Drake Loadout:
High Slots: 7 Heavy Missile Launchers, 1 Salvager
Mid Slots: 4 Large Shield Extenders, 2 Shield Rechargers
Low Slots: 2 Shield Power Relays, 2 Power Diagnostic Systems
All the gear is basic Tech 1 stuff or some version of cheap upgraded tech 1. I'll upgrade as I find better loot in the missions I'm running. I doubt I'll buy any tech 2 gear since I just don't think it makes enough of a difference when running missions to justify a ten-thousand percent increase in cost. Those millions I'm saving can go towards getting me a Nighthawk.
Here's the Drake Loadout:
High Slots: 7 Heavy Missile Launchers, 1 Salvager
Mid Slots: 4 Large Shield Extenders, 2 Shield Rechargers
Low Slots: 2 Shield Power Relays, 2 Power Diagnostic Systems
All the gear is basic Tech 1 stuff or some version of cheap upgraded tech 1. I'll upgrade as I find better loot in the missions I'm running. I doubt I'll buy any tech 2 gear since I just don't think it makes enough of a difference when running missions to justify a ten-thousand percent increase in cost. Those millions I'm saving can go towards getting me a Nighthawk.
Bumbershoot was this weekend. I went on Saturday. Here is a list of bands I saw.
The Avett Brothers - Bluegrass Punk. These guys started out calm for a few songs, twanging on their banjo and upright bass. Then they started screaming and all the old people left.
Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punk. These guys had tons of fans in attendance. I watched them while eating Chicken Tikka Masala behind their stage. The music was okay but the chicken was delicious.
Devotchka - Gypsy Pop. I have most of their albums. I didn't hear anything I hadn't heard before.
Saturday Knights - Not everyone can be the Beastie Boys. These guys look like they have fun trying, though.
Aqueduct - These guys were having a ton of fun on stage. The crowd was really into them. In terms of music I'd never heard before these guys win first prize.
I wanted to go saturday to see The Damnwells and Wu Tang Clan, but I stayed home and painted baseboard and window trim instead.
Wednesday Commute: Bike to work. Bus home
Wednesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bus to work. Bus and Bike home
Thursday Exercise: 5 miles
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Bus and Bike home
Friday Exercise: 25 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 9 miles running
Sunday Exercise: None
Monday Commute: Holiday
Monday Exercise: None
The Avett Brothers - Bluegrass Punk. These guys started out calm for a few songs, twanging on their banjo and upright bass. Then they started screaming and all the old people left.
Gogol Bordello - Gypsy Punk. These guys had tons of fans in attendance. I watched them while eating Chicken Tikka Masala behind their stage. The music was okay but the chicken was delicious.
Devotchka - Gypsy Pop. I have most of their albums. I didn't hear anything I hadn't heard before.
Saturday Knights - Not everyone can be the Beastie Boys. These guys look like they have fun trying, though.
Aqueduct - These guys were having a ton of fun on stage. The crowd was really into them. In terms of music I'd never heard before these guys win first prize.
I wanted to go saturday to see The Damnwells and Wu Tang Clan, but I stayed home and painted baseboard and window trim instead.
Wednesday Commute: Bike to work. Bus home
Wednesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bus to work. Bus and Bike home
Thursday Exercise: 5 miles
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Bus and Bike home
Friday Exercise: 25 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 9 miles running
Sunday Exercise: None
Monday Commute: Holiday
Monday Exercise: None
The Savage Worlds game we played was a chicken themed survival horror game in the vein of Black Sheep. It was also the only game that our band of three played all together (aside from a twenty minute dungeon delve). The module was called Chickens in the Mist and is put out by a company called 12toMidnight.
The game was a lot of fun. It was certainly a great start to convention gaming. This picture is from the climax of the game, where I heroically leapt from the back of the truck and tossed a bundle of dynamite at a five hundred pound chicken blocking our escape.

Monday Commute: Bus to and from work.
Monday Exercise: None
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, bus home.
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking, 6 miles running, 1 hour yoga
The game was a lot of fun. It was certainly a great start to convention gaming. This picture is from the climax of the game, where I heroically leapt from the back of the truck and tossed a bundle of dynamite at a five hundred pound chicken blocking our escape.
Monday Commute: Bus to and from work.
Monday Exercise: None
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, bus home.
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking, 6 miles running, 1 hour yoga
Dungeons & Dragons
So I guess Dungeons and Dragons is entering into fourth edition. I have to admit to not being aware of the announcement while I was at GenCon. Like many others I've seen posting on the web this news doesn't really impact me. Games I'm involved in rarely use the system. I also imagine that when I do sit down to play some narrative-light simulationist tactical roleplaying I'll have my choice of editions.
I think of D&D as being much more the summer blockbuster type of game system. It's a beer and pretzels game enjoyed by a wide audience but lacking the nuance required for more mature role-playing. My current interests run closer to what various independent role playing games are trying to do. These are the art house movies of the games industry.
This makes me a gaming snob.
At GenCon I played two separate DnD events. The first was the Dungeon Delve. You and five others attempt to get through three combat encounters in twenty minutes. You recieved tokens redeemable for semi-fabulous prizes depending on how far through the module you got. D&D is well suited to this sort of thing. At its heart the game is about simulating fantasy combat. Most of the rules are dedicated to this. The other section of the rules is about how to make your characters more powerful as they gain in experience and wealth. Look on the forums dedicated to the game and you'll mostly see guidebooks for player class builds and rules clarification discussions. I end up with the distinct impression that the pen and paper game is now looking to the video games it spawned for its guiding design principles.
Also I am playing D&D tactics for the PSP.
The other D&D event I played in was the first round of NASCRAG. Claiming to be to the RPGA what the Shriners are to the Masons. After running through the first round module with a juvenile minded group (our group name was Richard Head and the Jizz Juice Brigade (team cheer: Boner, Brah!)) I was left with little interest in playing in a D&D tourney ever again.
The game was a mishmash of combat encounter followed by some puzzle solving followed by an encounter that was solvable through the use of game mechanics. Points were given to teams based on solving the puzzles and roleplaying. The roleplaying points were assigned based partly on genuinely being in character, and mostly on hitting bullet points on the provided character synopsis (which is really just another puzzle to solve: "What should I have my character do that will make the GM think I'm playing him in-character?"). My little group ended up talking to one of the GMs in the airport on our flight back, which gave me some insight into these proceedings.
Still, 4th Edition! Exciting!
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: 5 miles running with hills.
I think of D&D as being much more the summer blockbuster type of game system. It's a beer and pretzels game enjoyed by a wide audience but lacking the nuance required for more mature role-playing. My current interests run closer to what various independent role playing games are trying to do. These are the art house movies of the games industry.
This makes me a gaming snob.
At GenCon I played two separate DnD events. The first was the Dungeon Delve. You and five others attempt to get through three combat encounters in twenty minutes. You recieved tokens redeemable for semi-fabulous prizes depending on how far through the module you got. D&D is well suited to this sort of thing. At its heart the game is about simulating fantasy combat. Most of the rules are dedicated to this. The other section of the rules is about how to make your characters more powerful as they gain in experience and wealth. Look on the forums dedicated to the game and you'll mostly see guidebooks for player class builds and rules clarification discussions. I end up with the distinct impression that the pen and paper game is now looking to the video games it spawned for its guiding design principles.
Also I am playing D&D tactics for the PSP.
The other D&D event I played in was the first round of NASCRAG. Claiming to be to the RPGA what the Shriners are to the Masons. After running through the first round module with a juvenile minded group (our group name was Richard Head and the Jizz Juice Brigade (team cheer: Boner, Brah!)) I was left with little interest in playing in a D&D tourney ever again.
The game was a mishmash of combat encounter followed by some puzzle solving followed by an encounter that was solvable through the use of game mechanics. Points were given to teams based on solving the puzzles and roleplaying. The roleplaying points were assigned based partly on genuinely being in character, and mostly on hitting bullet points on the provided character synopsis (which is really just another puzzle to solve: "What should I have my character do that will make the GM think I'm playing him in-character?"). My little group ended up talking to one of the GMs in the airport on our flight back, which gave me some insight into these proceedings.
Still, 4th Edition! Exciting!
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: 5 miles running with hills.
Or Not
So much for posting more over the next few days. I haven't even posted my exercising/commuting for the past week.
To remedy both I present a list of the game systems I played at GenCon followed by the exercise/commute log for the week.
Savage Worlds
Star Wars d20
Dungeons & Dragons
Wild Card
Monday Commute: Bus to and from work
Monday Exercise: 5 miles running
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, bus home
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, bus and bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bus to work, bus to a friend's house, then a ride home.
Thursday Exercise: 5 miles running
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Bus and bike home
Friday Exercise: 24 miles biking
To remedy both I present a list of the game systems I played at GenCon followed by the exercise/commute log for the week.
Savage Worlds
Star Wars d20
Dungeons & Dragons
Wild Card
Monday Commute: Bus to and from work
Monday Exercise: 5 miles running
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, bus home
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, bus and bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bus to work, bus to a friend's house, then a ride home.
Thursday Exercise: 5 miles running
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Bus and bike home
Friday Exercise: 24 miles biking
GenCon is over
And it was a blast. My body is in recovery mode, and it needs to get a move on if its going to be ready for PAX this weekend.
There's a lot of great stuff to report on. Expect to see it coming here over the next few days.
There's a lot of great stuff to report on. Expect to see it coming here over the next few days.
I'm off to GenCon. It's four days of magic and mayhem. I'm going in a party of three, and we're traveling to swampy Indianapolis with very little planning. Even our plans for lodging are tenuous at best. We might be sleeping under the stars for all I know.
Being out of town for a week means I'm going to give my legs a much-deserved rest. They've been getting kind of beat up with my sudden increase in activity. I'm hoping the week long hiatus gives me sufficient time to recover, but isn't so long that I will start losing muscle and endurance.
And of course there's the danger of eating too much junk food and gaining a bunch of weight.
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: 9 miles running
Monday Commute: Vacation
Monday Exercise: None
Tuesday Commute: Vacation
Tuesday Exercise: None
Being out of town for a week means I'm going to give my legs a much-deserved rest. They've been getting kind of beat up with my sudden increase in activity. I'm hoping the week long hiatus gives me sufficient time to recover, but isn't so long that I will start losing muscle and endurance.
And of course there's the danger of eating too much junk food and gaining a bunch of weight.
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: 9 miles running
Monday Commute: Vacation
Monday Exercise: None
Tuesday Commute: Vacation
Tuesday Exercise: None
Week Highlights:
Ms. Limelight and Mr. Mitzvah getting kicked off Who Wants to be a Superhero
Spirit of the Century
RoqLaRue opening where I met Jason D'Aquino
Coming Soon:
GenCon, Indianapolis
Monday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Monday Exercise: 4 miles running
Tuesday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Tuesday Exercise: Yoga Flow Class
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, Bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles running, 19 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bike to work, ride home from friend
Thursday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Friday Commute: Bus to work, Bike and Bus home
Friday Exercise: 6 miles running, 5 miles biking
Ms. Limelight and Mr. Mitzvah getting kicked off Who Wants to be a Superhero
Spirit of the Century
RoqLaRue opening where I met Jason D'Aquino
Coming Soon:
GenCon, Indianapolis
Monday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Monday Exercise: 4 miles running
Tuesday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Tuesday Exercise: Yoga Flow Class
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, Bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles running, 19 miles biking
Thursday Commute: Bike to work, ride home from friend
Thursday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Friday Commute: Bus to work, Bike and Bus home
Friday Exercise: 6 miles running, 5 miles biking
Went to the Ren-Faire this weekend.
High Points:
Thomas Wood the Pyro-Juggler
Pickle Wench
Low Points:
Dust and Dirt
Fairies and Furries
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: None
High Points:
Thomas Wood the Pyro-Juggler
Pickle Wench
Low Points:
Dust and Dirt
Fairies and Furries
Saturday Exercise: None
Sunday Exercise: None
It's A Nice Day
A friend is getting married today. I'll be driving my rented Yaris to the ceremony and reception. The Yaris looks almost exactly like a Prius, but without all the fancy hybrid insides. Still claim about thirty-five to forty miles per gallon, though. This is pretty good since the Prius I had never really got better than forty-five, and the 2007 Yaris is five grand less than I paid in 2005 for a 2002 Prius.
I remember a year ago they were marketing the Yaris pretty heavily to the hipster crowd. They had a craft fair sort of thing you could go to and some lady would show you how to embroider your T-Shirt.
Also, the Blue Angels were booming along overhead today. Thanks, Seafair!
P.S. I do not like Seafair. It is mainly a celebration of why the rest of the world does not like the United States.
Thursday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Thursday Exercise: None
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Rental car home.
Friday Exercise: 19 miles bike, 4 miles running.
I remember a year ago they were marketing the Yaris pretty heavily to the hipster crowd. They had a craft fair sort of thing you could go to and some lady would show you how to embroider your T-Shirt.
Also, the Blue Angels were booming along overhead today. Thanks, Seafair!
P.S. I do not like Seafair. It is mainly a celebration of why the rest of the world does not like the United States.
Thursday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Thursday Exercise: None
Friday Commute: Bike to work. Rental car home.
Friday Exercise: 19 miles bike, 4 miles running.
After Action Report
Dark Angels vs. Imperial Guard
500 pts.
Dark Angels
(Alpha) Tactical Squad w/Plasma Cannon
(Beta) Tactical Squad w/Lascannon and Plasma Gun
Imperial Guard
Junior Officer w/grenade launcher, missile launcher, chimera
5 Ratlings
2 Storm Trooper Squads w/meltaguns
Leman Russ Tank
Turn 1:Dark Angels
Alpha Squad advanced into cover on the space marine's right flank, with the librarian following closeby.
Beta Squad fired it's lascannon at the missile launcher on the hill, missing.
Turn 1:Imperial Guard.
Chimera advances on the IG left flank and pops smoke. Left Storm trooper squad advances into cover. Officer squad and remaining storm troopers advance forward. Leman Russ comes from behind the hill.
The ratlings and guard open fire on Alpha Squad, killing 1 marine. The Leman Russ fires its battle cannon at Beta Squad, deviating but still catching two marines in it's deadly blast. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 2: Dark Angels
Alpha Squad and Librarian continue their advance. Beta Squad holds its position.
Alpha Squad fires into the StormTroopers on the space marine's left flank, killing two and causing them to fall back. Beta Squad fires its lascannon at the tank, but the massive front armor of the leman russ shrugs it off.
Turn 2: Imperial Guard
The fleeing storm troopers rally. The chimera advances towards Alpha Squad. The officer realizes he's quite exposed and begins moving towards cover. The remaining storm troopers advance towards Alpha Squad.
The chimera unleashes gouts of promethium, incinerating two of the marines. The Leman Russ and the rest of the guard fire into the squad, and when the smoke clears only three marines are left standing, but they make their leadership save and do not fall back. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 3: Space Marines
Alpha squad contiues its inexorable march across the battlefield. The librarian breaks ranks and moves towards the storm troopers on the space marine's right.
Alpha Squad kills the the officer's honor guard. The librarian summons power from the warp and incinerates two storm troopers in a coruscating ball of hellfire. Beta squad continues to pound lascannon fire into the Leman Russ.
Turn 3: Imperial Guard
All the damaged squad from the previous round of shooting make their command checks and the're off to the races. The chimera rolled towards the remnants of alpha squad. The rallied storm troopers move up to cover the officer, the storm troopers on the right flank move up for some shots on the librarian. Even the Leman Russ abandons the hill covering its right side and rolls forward to assist.
Between the chimera, officer, and left stormtroopers Alpha squad is reduced to a single plasma cannon. The Leman Russ opens up with its three heavy bolters, finishing off the last of alpha squad. The storm troopers and ratlings manage to inflict just a single wound on the librarian. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 4: Space Marines
The brave librarian turns his back on the pitiful guard before him, and strides across the the middle of the battlefield towards the chimera, reciting the litany of hate as he does so.
Channeling the power of the warp, the librarian vomits forth another blast of hellfire, but it's not strong enough to penetrate even the light armor of the chimera. Beta squad opens fire with some well placed shots and destroys the remainder of the storm trooper squad on the space marine right flank.
Turn 4: Imperial Guard
The chimera drives around the stagnant pool of water, the officer and remaining storm troopers advance on the hapless librarian.
The chimera, officer, and storm troopers cut the librarian down. The ratlings pick off a marine from Beta squad, but the real luck comes when the Leman Russ lands a cannon shell smack in the middle of the remains of beta squad, killing five of them. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 5: Space Marines
The brave marines hold their ground and fire at the chimera that moments before destroyed their beloved librarian. The lascannon's shot went wide, but the plama gun's ball of fiery death burned through the tracks of the chimera, stunning the crew and immobilizing it.
Turn 5: Imperial Guard
The remaining guard advance on the remnants of the once-proud space marines.
Adding their fire to that of the Leman Russ, the space marine army is reduced to a single marine with a lascannon. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Sensing victory, the battle tank and remains of the guard advance on the lone marine, intending to cut him down and make their victory complete.
Tactical Post-mortem
Imperial Guard:
Pretty much everything went well for the guard. I was able to bring the majority of my fire to bear on individual space marine squads and drastically reduce their effectiveness in a few turns. The frustrating part was when I was trying to finish off a single damnable model. That's when the guard's low ballistic skill and underpowered weapons versus the marine's impressive armor and toughness really started to hurt me. It took as much of my army to kill a single model as it did to take out an entire squad. Also that damnable missile launcher never hit once. I don't know who was manning it but they're in desperate need of a court martial for incompetence.
Space Marines
The space marines struggled a bit. They probably should have capitalized on having the first turn by moving Beta squad towards the center of the table. This would have put the plasma gun in range, and allowed them to lay bolter fire into my squads. Instead they got hung up on putting a single lascannon into the Leman Russ every turn. Also, Alpha squad probably could have just advanced into the cover on their first turn and then just hunkered down and held their position. Getting caught out in the open where everything in the IG army could take a shot at them was disastrous.
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Wednesday Exercise: 6 miles running
500 pts.
Dark Angels
(Alpha) Tactical Squad w/Plasma Cannon
(Beta) Tactical Squad w/Lascannon and Plasma Gun
Imperial Guard
Junior Officer w/grenade launcher, missile launcher, chimera
5 Ratlings
2 Storm Trooper Squads w/meltaguns
Leman Russ Tank
Turn 1:Dark Angels
Alpha Squad advanced into cover on the space marine's right flank, with the librarian following closeby.
Beta Squad fired it's lascannon at the missile launcher on the hill, missing.
Turn 1:Imperial Guard.
Chimera advances on the IG left flank and pops smoke. Left Storm trooper squad advances into cover. Officer squad and remaining storm troopers advance forward. Leman Russ comes from behind the hill.
The ratlings and guard open fire on Alpha Squad, killing 1 marine. The Leman Russ fires its battle cannon at Beta Squad, deviating but still catching two marines in it's deadly blast. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 2: Dark Angels
Alpha Squad and Librarian continue their advance. Beta Squad holds its position.
Alpha Squad fires into the StormTroopers on the space marine's left flank, killing two and causing them to fall back. Beta Squad fires its lascannon at the tank, but the massive front armor of the leman russ shrugs it off.
Turn 2: Imperial Guard
The fleeing storm troopers rally. The chimera advances towards Alpha Squad. The officer realizes he's quite exposed and begins moving towards cover. The remaining storm troopers advance towards Alpha Squad.
The chimera unleashes gouts of promethium, incinerating two of the marines. The Leman Russ and the rest of the guard fire into the squad, and when the smoke clears only three marines are left standing, but they make their leadership save and do not fall back. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 3: Space Marines
Alpha squad contiues its inexorable march across the battlefield. The librarian breaks ranks and moves towards the storm troopers on the space marine's right.
Alpha Squad kills the the officer's honor guard. The librarian summons power from the warp and incinerates two storm troopers in a coruscating ball of hellfire. Beta squad continues to pound lascannon fire into the Leman Russ.
Turn 3: Imperial Guard
All the damaged squad from the previous round of shooting make their command checks and the're off to the races. The chimera rolled towards the remnants of alpha squad. The rallied storm troopers move up to cover the officer, the storm troopers on the right flank move up for some shots on the librarian. Even the Leman Russ abandons the hill covering its right side and rolls forward to assist.
Between the chimera, officer, and left stormtroopers Alpha squad is reduced to a single plasma cannon. The Leman Russ opens up with its three heavy bolters, finishing off the last of alpha squad. The storm troopers and ratlings manage to inflict just a single wound on the librarian. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 4: Space Marines
The brave librarian turns his back on the pitiful guard before him, and strides across the the middle of the battlefield towards the chimera, reciting the litany of hate as he does so.
Channeling the power of the warp, the librarian vomits forth another blast of hellfire, but it's not strong enough to penetrate even the light armor of the chimera. Beta squad opens fire with some well placed shots and destroys the remainder of the storm trooper squad on the space marine right flank.
Turn 4: Imperial Guard
The chimera drives around the stagnant pool of water, the officer and remaining storm troopers advance on the hapless librarian.
The chimera, officer, and storm troopers cut the librarian down. The ratlings pick off a marine from Beta squad, but the real luck comes when the Leman Russ lands a cannon shell smack in the middle of the remains of beta squad, killing five of them. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Turn 5: Space Marines
The brave marines hold their ground and fire at the chimera that moments before destroyed their beloved librarian. The lascannon's shot went wide, but the plama gun's ball of fiery death burned through the tracks of the chimera, stunning the crew and immobilizing it.
Turn 5: Imperial Guard
The remaining guard advance on the remnants of the once-proud space marines.
Adding their fire to that of the Leman Russ, the space marine army is reduced to a single marine with a lascannon. The missile launcher on the hill misses.
Sensing victory, the battle tank and remains of the guard advance on the lone marine, intending to cut him down and make their victory complete.
Tactical Post-mortem
Imperial Guard:
Pretty much everything went well for the guard. I was able to bring the majority of my fire to bear on individual space marine squads and drastically reduce their effectiveness in a few turns. The frustrating part was when I was trying to finish off a single damnable model. That's when the guard's low ballistic skill and underpowered weapons versus the marine's impressive armor and toughness really started to hurt me. It took as much of my army to kill a single model as it did to take out an entire squad. Also that damnable missile launcher never hit once. I don't know who was manning it but they're in desperate need of a court martial for incompetence.
Space Marines
The space marines struggled a bit. They probably should have capitalized on having the first turn by moving Beta squad towards the center of the table. This would have put the plasma gun in range, and allowed them to lay bolter fire into my squads. Instead they got hung up on putting a single lascannon into the Leman Russ every turn. Also, Alpha squad probably could have just advanced into the cover on their first turn and then just hunkered down and held their position. Getting caught out in the open where everything in the IG army could take a shot at them was disastrous.
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, ride home from friend
Wednesday Exercise: 6 miles running
Drop-In gaming
I went with a friend to a drop-in rpg session on monday. The system was Forgotten Futures.
The group we played with had an interesting house-rule mechanic. At any point a player was allowed to introduce a complication for another character. In effect taking over the narrative for a bit to add a side-plot to the main narrative. This had its pros and its cons. It was nice in that it allowed the story to flow in unexpected directions, and allowed the story to progress beyond the confines of the pre-written adventure we were using. It did, however, have the unfortunate side effect of bogging down the game, and made it difficult to gain the attention of the group when you wanted to act.
Still, a good time was had by all, and the adventure is not over yet, so we will see how skillfully the group is able to juggle the plot threads and bring them all to a satisfactory conclusion.
Sunday Exercise: Sunday was a rest day
Monday Commute: Bike to work. Ride home from friend
Monday Exercise: 4 miles running, 19 miles biking
Tuesday Commute: Bus to work. Bike home.
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking. 1-hour yoga.
The group we played with had an interesting house-rule mechanic. At any point a player was allowed to introduce a complication for another character. In effect taking over the narrative for a bit to add a side-plot to the main narrative. This had its pros and its cons. It was nice in that it allowed the story to flow in unexpected directions, and allowed the story to progress beyond the confines of the pre-written adventure we were using. It did, however, have the unfortunate side effect of bogging down the game, and made it difficult to gain the attention of the group when you wanted to act.
Still, a good time was had by all, and the adventure is not over yet, so we will see how skillfully the group is able to juggle the plot threads and bring them all to a satisfactory conclusion.
Sunday Exercise: Sunday was a rest day
Monday Commute: Bike to work. Ride home from friend
Monday Exercise: 4 miles running, 19 miles biking
Tuesday Commute: Bus to work. Bike home.
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking. 1-hour yoga.
Exercise Roundup
I should probably do this at the end of the month, but I'm curious and want to do the calculations now.
Since starting my bike to work program Let's see how many miles I've logged in July
Week 1(July 1-7): 4 miles running, 37 miles biking
Week 2(July 8-14): 9 miles running, 76 miles biking
Week 3(July 15-21): 25 miles running, 76 miles biking
Week 4(July 22-28): 10 miles running, 76 miles biking
Total: 48 miles running, 265 miles biking
I think what I can take away from this is that my running regimen is suffering. By splitting up my bike commute across two days I end up fairly tired. Indeed, this Thursday's bike commute in the morning was slow and painful. I was just very tired. I may need to bite the bullet and start commuting to and from work on the same day. That would leave every other day for running and also give me the all-important rest day.
Friday Commute: Bus to work, bike home
Friday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 5 miles running
Since starting my bike to work program Let's see how many miles I've logged in July
Week 1(July 1-7): 4 miles running, 37 miles biking
Week 2(July 8-14): 9 miles running, 76 miles biking
Week 3(July 15-21): 25 miles running, 76 miles biking
Week 4(July 22-28): 10 miles running, 76 miles biking
Total: 48 miles running, 265 miles biking
I think what I can take away from this is that my running regimen is suffering. By splitting up my bike commute across two days I end up fairly tired. Indeed, this Thursday's bike commute in the morning was slow and painful. I was just very tired. I may need to bite the bullet and start commuting to and from work on the same day. That would leave every other day for running and also give me the all-important rest day.
Friday Commute: Bus to work, bike home
Friday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 5 miles running
Web-Comic Roundup
Here's a list of webcomics that I enjoy. I usually visit these sites even on days when they don't update, just in case a bonus comic gets posted.
The list is provided as much for the reader as for the writer.
Penny Arcade
Diesel Sweeties
Perry Bible Fellowship
Dr. McNinja
I hope I didn't forget anyone.
Thursday Commute: Bike to work, bus home
Thursday Exercise: 19 miles biking
The list is provided as much for the reader as for the writer.
Penny Arcade
Diesel Sweeties
Perry Bible Fellowship
Dr. McNinja
I hope I didn't forget anyone.
Thursday Commute: Bike to work, bus home
Thursday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Pork Chops Taste Good
It's recipe day. Here's a delicious way to prepare pork chops.
4 pork chops
1 green apple (Granny Smith)
1/2 onion
2 TBsp Vinegar
Trim the fat from around the edges of the chops. Sprinkle one side with salt and pepper and rub salt and pepper in with fingers. Wrap the bacon around the pork chops and secure with toothpicks (You might have to use two slices of bacon depending on the size of pork chop.
Using a grater, shred the apple and onion. Mix in a bowl with the vinegar.
Flip the pork chops over. Rub top side with salt and pepper. Distribute the apple mixture evenly on top of the pork chops. Put the pork chops in a baking dish.
Cook at 425 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Check with a sharp knife and fork to be sure chops are done.
Serve and enjoy.
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, Bus home
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, Bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles Running, 19 miles biking
4 pork chops
1 green apple (Granny Smith)
1/2 onion
2 TBsp Vinegar
Trim the fat from around the edges of the chops. Sprinkle one side with salt and pepper and rub salt and pepper in with fingers. Wrap the bacon around the pork chops and secure with toothpicks (You might have to use two slices of bacon depending on the size of pork chop.
Using a grater, shred the apple and onion. Mix in a bowl with the vinegar.
Flip the pork chops over. Rub top side with salt and pepper. Distribute the apple mixture evenly on top of the pork chops. Put the pork chops in a baking dish.
Cook at 425 degrees for 30 to 40 minutes. Check with a sharp knife and fork to be sure chops are done.
Serve and enjoy.
Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, Bus home
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, Bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles Running, 19 miles biking
Dressed in Yellow
I got to play Arkham Horror with some friends on Saturday. Fantasy Flight Games has been consistently making some high quality games with interesting gameplay. Arkham Horror is notable mainly in that it is a cooperative game. Everyone playing either wins or loses.
On Saturday we mixed in the King in Yellow expansion which provides a new way to lose at the game. Playing off the fictional play of the same name (which is referenced in a number of Mythos writings), the expansion forces the players to make choices between allowing the play to advance in acts (causing problems and headaches for the players) and allowing the Big Bad Guy to advance in power, which lets him appear earlier which means the players have less time to prepare.
It's a great game. The rules aren't complex, but there are a fair number of things to do. The biggest complaint is that the rulebook is not set up for quick and easy reference, so it can take a bit to get all the rules down. The flip-side is that it's a cooperative sort of game, so if you can't seem to find the place where it tells you what the red-bordered monsters do that's special, just don't have them do anything and move on.
Sunday Exercise: None
Monday Commute: Bus both ways
Monday Exercise: None
On Saturday we mixed in the King in Yellow expansion which provides a new way to lose at the game. Playing off the fictional play of the same name (which is referenced in a number of Mythos writings), the expansion forces the players to make choices between allowing the play to advance in acts (causing problems and headaches for the players) and allowing the Big Bad Guy to advance in power, which lets him appear earlier which means the players have less time to prepare.
It's a great game. The rules aren't complex, but there are a fair number of things to do. The biggest complaint is that the rulebook is not set up for quick and easy reference, so it can take a bit to get all the rules down. The flip-side is that it's a cooperative sort of game, so if you can't seem to find the place where it tells you what the red-bordered monsters do that's special, just don't have them do anything and move on.
Sunday Exercise: None
Monday Commute: Bus both ways
Monday Exercise: None
Reading is FUNdaMENTAL
Just finished the Ultramines Omnibus, which is really three books in one. This means I can get back to the fourth book of The Dark Tower. I'm also working through the newly discovered (to me) Geek Monthly. How did I not know about this magazine 4 issues ago?
Finally, I'm starting a lookout for The King in Yellow, first edition.
Thursday Commute: Bus both ways
Thursday Exercise: 6 miles running
Friday Commute: Bike both ways. In the rain. Lots of rain.
Friday Exercise: 38 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 6 miles running. Hill workout.
Finally, I'm starting a lookout for The King in Yellow, first edition.
Thursday Commute: Bus both ways
Thursday Exercise: 6 miles running
Friday Commute: Bike both ways. In the rain. Lots of rain.
Friday Exercise: 38 miles biking
Saturday Exercise: 6 miles running. Hill workout.
Goings On
The forecast calls for an event-heavy weekend with predictions of more events for the next weekend. And of course there's the everpresent work to do on the house and painting of miniatures.
West-side Industry night - Video games industry night at the garage
14/48 - Real theater, real fast
14/48 - More real theater, real fast
Board games with friends
Innertubing on the snohomish? Should be cold!
Next Week:
Rat City Rollergirls - second to last bout of the season
Tuesday Commute: Bus to and from work.
Tuesday Exercise: 5 miles running
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work. Bike home.
Wednesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
West-side Industry night - Video games industry night at the garage
14/48 - Real theater, real fast
14/48 - More real theater, real fast
Board games with friends
Innertubing on the snohomish? Should be cold!
Next Week:
Rat City Rollergirls - second to last bout of the season
Tuesday Commute: Bus to and from work.
Tuesday Exercise: 5 miles running
Wednesday Commute: Bus to work. Bike home.
Wednesday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Formula De
Formula De is a wonderful little game that is soon to be out of print (again). I got together with some friends last night to take a lap around the track. Now that everyone knows the rules I think we'll be able to sit down and do a multi-lap race later in the week.
Also, in case you live in Seattle and don't get out much, go to Ezell's if you're hungry. It doesn't matter what you get, just be sure to pick up some extra rolls. You can never have enough.
Sunday Exercise: 8 miles running
Monday Commute: Bike to work, ride home from a friend
Monday Exercise: 19 miles biking
Also, in case you live in Seattle and don't get out much, go to Ezell's if you're hungry. It doesn't matter what you get, just be sure to pick up some extra rolls. You can never have enough.
Sunday Exercise: 8 miles running
Monday Commute: Bike to work, ride home from a friend
Monday Exercise: 19 miles biking
An Evening of Art
RoqLaRue kicked it like they always do, putting on a great show. Nicoletta Ceccoli's stuff was especially awesome.
Not so interesting to me was BLVD next door. They rarely have art that piques my interest. However, since this month's show was tikki themed they did have an entire roast pig for people to enjoy. I helped myself to some delicious roasted porkness and went back to Roq.
14/48 was kickass like always. My only complaint for this go-round was that more writers than usual seemed to have no idea how to end their plays without being trite or going for the cheap heartstrings. I'm talking to you, Soldier in a Casket, Teenagers Standing Around in a Cave, Runaway Husband Returned, and Wife Hurt by Husband's Affections for Another.
The beginnings and endings of the plays are as a rule thought-out, well-executed and often hilarious. I think the format of the festival lends itself to writers being able to explore a theme or topic or situation, but like improv theater simply exploring the boundaries of a scene doesn't give you the plot lines you need to have a good conclusion, so the writers end up falling back on something trite or nonsensical. I think the best 14/48 plays leave you in the middle of the scene where the audience is able to construe for themselves what the conclusion is going to be (thank you, "Dr. Nussbaum 3:30").
There's still three more nights of the festival this weekend and next. If you like fun you'll like 14/48.
Friday commute: Bus to and from work.
Friday exercise: None. Day of rest.
Saturday exercise: Bike 19 miles
Not so interesting to me was BLVD next door. They rarely have art that piques my interest. However, since this month's show was tikki themed they did have an entire roast pig for people to enjoy. I helped myself to some delicious roasted porkness and went back to Roq.
14/48 was kickass like always. My only complaint for this go-round was that more writers than usual seemed to have no idea how to end their plays without being trite or going for the cheap heartstrings. I'm talking to you, Soldier in a Casket, Teenagers Standing Around in a Cave, Runaway Husband Returned, and Wife Hurt by Husband's Affections for Another.
The beginnings and endings of the plays are as a rule thought-out, well-executed and often hilarious. I think the format of the festival lends itself to writers being able to explore a theme or topic or situation, but like improv theater simply exploring the boundaries of a scene doesn't give you the plot lines you need to have a good conclusion, so the writers end up falling back on something trite or nonsensical. I think the best 14/48 plays leave you in the middle of the scene where the audience is able to construe for themselves what the conclusion is going to be (thank you, "Dr. Nussbaum 3:30").
There's still three more nights of the festival this weekend and next. If you like fun you'll like 14/48.
Friday commute: Bus to and from work.
Friday exercise: None. Day of rest.
Saturday exercise: Bike 19 miles
Weekend Events
There's quite a lot going on this weekend. Here's the short list:
14/48 is starting again. I've been to a few of these and they're pretty great. They are located at the CHAC now. Basically a bunch of theater types get together and create, rehearse and perform a half dozen or more short plays in 24 hours. http://1448fest.com/
RoqlaRue and BLVD are having their July openings. I'm not usually a super huge fan of BLVD but this month is a Tikki show so that should at least be interesting. http://www.roqlarue.com http://www.blvdart.com/
Additionally, I'm attending a wedding reception and hopefully going out canoing on lake washington.
14/48 is starting again. I've been to a few of these and they're pretty great. They are located at the CHAC now. Basically a bunch of theater types get together and create, rehearse and perform a half dozen or more short plays in 24 hours. http://1448fest.com/
RoqlaRue and BLVD are having their July openings. I'm not usually a super huge fan of BLVD but this month is a Tikki show so that should at least be interesting. http://www.roqlarue.com http://www.blvdart.com/
Additionally, I'm attending a wedding reception and hopefully going out canoing on lake washington.
Minus Eighteen Point Five
Yesterday (Wednesday) marked the end of the zipper weight loss challenge. My team took home the winning honors and the pot of cash. One month ago I weighed in at 171 pounds, and yesterday (after a run in ninety degree heat) I weighed in at 152.5. The other two members of my team rallied as well, coming in 16 and 8 pounds lighter than when they started.
My one-month weight loss experiment has revealed the following weight loss secrets:
Eat less (this one is key). Some simple steps to eating less are to avoid snacks and soda. One of my team members did nothing except switch his Dr. Pepper intake from regular to diet. To stave off my munchies I upped my green tea intake. Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant and green tea has a number of other weight loss and health benefits.
Exercise is important not only to burn calories but to keep your metabolism up. Suddenly diminishing your food intake can cause your body to go into storage mode and you need it to keep going. Also important so that your body burns fat instead of just consuming its muscle.
Was I hungry? Sometimes. But I didn't stop eating anything or hold myself to a strict diet. I still included carbohydrates because those are important for exercising. I still had a week where I had made a chocolate cake and worked my way through that. I occasionally indulged in soda and I occasionally had a piece of candy. The point was that such things should be treats. By eating candy every day or going out to dinner all the time we make this things an every day part of our lives and consuming them becomes so commonplace we don't even think about the repercussions.
That's my weight loss rant.
Wednesday's commute: Bus to work and home.
Wednesday's exercise: 4 mile run. Temperature outside got up to over 100 degrees.
Thursday's commute: Bike to work. Bus home.
Thursday's exercise: 19 miles biking.
My one-month weight loss experiment has revealed the following weight loss secrets:
Eat less (this one is key). Some simple steps to eating less are to avoid snacks and soda. One of my team members did nothing except switch his Dr. Pepper intake from regular to diet. To stave off my munchies I upped my green tea intake. Caffeine is a natural appetite suppressant and green tea has a number of other weight loss and health benefits.
Exercise is important not only to burn calories but to keep your metabolism up. Suddenly diminishing your food intake can cause your body to go into storage mode and you need it to keep going. Also important so that your body burns fat instead of just consuming its muscle.
Was I hungry? Sometimes. But I didn't stop eating anything or hold myself to a strict diet. I still included carbohydrates because those are important for exercising. I still had a week where I had made a chocolate cake and worked my way through that. I occasionally indulged in soda and I occasionally had a piece of candy. The point was that such things should be treats. By eating candy every day or going out to dinner all the time we make this things an every day part of our lives and consuming them becomes so commonplace we don't even think about the repercussions.
That's my weight loss rant.
Wednesday's commute: Bus to work and home.
Wednesday's exercise: 4 mile run. Temperature outside got up to over 100 degrees.
Thursday's commute: Bike to work. Bus home.
Thursday's exercise: 19 miles biking.
Easing in to it
Since I'm just starting out on my bike to work gig I'm trying to ease myself into it. I'm making sure I don't try biking to and from work on the same day until I've got a couple of hundred miles under my belt (and some bike shorts around my waist. My butt's killing me). So far this is working out pretty well.
The thing I have yet to figure out is how to stop taking so much stuff. I'm packing a giant REI backpack full of clothes and books and shoes to work every day. I'm in desperate need of some better planning in this department.
Tomorrow ends the weight loss contest we've been having at work.
Monday's Commute: Bike to work in the morning. Ride home from an out of town friend around midnight.
Monday's Exercise: 19 miles biking.
Tuesday's Commute: Bus in the morning. Bike home in the evening.
Tuesday's Exercise: 5 miles running, 19 miles biking.
The thing I have yet to figure out is how to stop taking so much stuff. I'm packing a giant REI backpack full of clothes and books and shoes to work every day. I'm in desperate need of some better planning in this department.
Tomorrow ends the weight loss contest we've been having at work.
Monday's Commute: Bike to work in the morning. Ride home from an out of town friend around midnight.
Monday's Exercise: 19 miles biking.
Tuesday's Commute: Bus in the morning. Bike home in the evening.
Tuesday's Exercise: 5 miles running, 19 miles biking.
Day of Rest
Today is a day of rest (just like the church tells us to). Puttering around the house and working in the yard is the order of the day.
Yesterday I got together with some friends to play D&D. Role-playing takes on a different sort of vibe when you get older. There's not as much emphasis on the mechanics of the game and we spend more time being in-character. I can remember gaming sessions when I was younger where we'd waste hours fantasizing about what our fantasy personae were going to do, and in the end they didn't do any of it, making them just as lame as we were in real life. Now we get together and we're pirates on the high seas storming military ships and taking on their entire crew.
Friday's Commute: Bus in the morning. Ride home from a friend in the evening.
Saturday Exercise: Bike 18mile
Yesterday I got together with some friends to play D&D. Role-playing takes on a different sort of vibe when you get older. There's not as much emphasis on the mechanics of the game and we spend more time being in-character. I can remember gaming sessions when I was younger where we'd waste hours fantasizing about what our fantasy personae were going to do, and in the end they didn't do any of it, making them just as lame as we were in real life. Now we get together and we're pirates on the high seas storming military ships and taking on their entire crew.
Friday's Commute: Bus in the morning. Ride home from a friend in the evening.
Saturday Exercise: Bike 18mile
Rise From Your Grave
I've left the blog dormant for a while now. I believe it is time for a resuscitation. I find myself wishing I had a location to record my daily exercise activities. An exercise log can be valuable for determining progress towards a goal.
Also, an unfortunate event has left me without a vehicle. I live twenty or so miles from where I work, so I figured I would chronicle the various ways I will be commuting.
Finally, I've found myself in the kitchen quite a bit lately, and I'd like to have a reference for what I've made and where the recipes can be found.
To kick things off:
Thursday's exercise: Running - 4miles Biking - 19 miles
Thursday's commute: Bus in the morning and bike home in the evening. 1 hour 50 minutes for the commute home. I believe this time can be improved.
Also, an unfortunate event has left me without a vehicle. I live twenty or so miles from where I work, so I figured I would chronicle the various ways I will be commuting.
Finally, I've found myself in the kitchen quite a bit lately, and I'd like to have a reference for what I've made and where the recipes can be found.
To kick things off:
Thursday's exercise: Running - 4miles Biking - 19 miles
Thursday's commute: Bus in the morning and bike home in the evening. 1 hour 50 minutes for the commute home. I believe this time can be improved.