
Drop-In gaming

I went with a friend to a drop-in rpg session on monday. The system was Forgotten Futures.

The group we played with had an interesting house-rule mechanic. At any point a player was allowed to introduce a complication for another character. In effect taking over the narrative for a bit to add a side-plot to the main narrative. This had its pros and its cons. It was nice in that it allowed the story to flow in unexpected directions, and allowed the story to progress beyond the confines of the pre-written adventure we were using. It did, however, have the unfortunate side effect of bogging down the game, and made it difficult to gain the attention of the group when you wanted to act.

Still, a good time was had by all, and the adventure is not over yet, so we will see how skillfully the group is able to juggle the plot threads and bring them all to a satisfactory conclusion.

Sunday Exercise: Sunday was a rest day

Monday Commute: Bike to work. Ride home from friend
Monday Exercise: 4 miles running, 19 miles biking

Tuesday Commute: Bus to work. Bike home.
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking. 1-hour yoga.

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