
Or Not

So much for posting more over the next few days. I haven't even posted my exercising/commuting for the past week.

To remedy both I present a list of the game systems I played at GenCon followed by the exercise/commute log for the week.

Savage Worlds
Star Wars d20
Dungeons & Dragons
Wild Card

Monday Commute: Bus to and from work
Monday Exercise: 5 miles running

Tuesday Commute: Bike to work, bus home
Tuesday Exercise: 19 miles biking

Wednesday Commute: Bus to work, bus and bike home
Wednesday Exercise: 5 miles biking

Thursday Commute: Bus to work, bus to a friend's house, then a ride home.
Thursday Exercise: 5 miles running

Friday Commute: Bike to work. Bus and bike home
Friday Exercise: 24 miles biking

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