

Well, so much for posting more regularly. It's been a month.

Lots of Games-Workshop related stuff going on.

Dawn of War 2 hit. It's been fun going through the single player campaign, both cooperatively and on my own. Multiplayer smackdown on the AI is a fun after work activity.

I've been playing Dark Heresy with three other friends. I GM'ed our first mission, Shattered Hope. This was a simple mission that took a single night to run through. It was originally designed as a demo mission for GenCon so it could probably be played through in a couple hours if everyone was familiar with the rules and on-task. Afterwards we played through the first half of the adventure in the back of the rulebook, with a different person in the group GMing. I'm having fun with my feral word guardsman, Mar. We'll likely wrap up the adventure tonight.

Tuesday night has been going well for the Demons. We've mostly been playing team battles, so the demons have had a chance to really shine. I suspect that tomorrow night will be their first solo battle in a while, so we'll see if I've learned anything from my forays into team-play.


Fight Night Report

Pictures from Yesterday's throwdown are here. It went pretty well.
This was our newest player's second game and he's starting to pick up the rules. Abaddon is still a beast in any sort of combat, mowing down wraithlords, wraithguard, and Lords of Change with ease.
Daemons are still fragile, but they work well in a team setting. The thing I've learned most about daemons is that they are insanely good in low point games. At five hundred or seven hundred fifty points they just tear up the opposition. There's almost no stopping them. Once you start moving up the handicap of only having half your force on the table becomes more pronounced. With your opponent getting a turn to react and pour all his firepower into just half your army, you'll feel lucky if you have anything left to make choices with on turn two. Running as part of a team softens the blow quite a bit, since with a teammate you've got three quarters of your combined forces versus all of theirs, which distracts from killing the daemons and helps keep more of them around to cause damage on subsequent turns.


Twenty Four Thousand Points in Seven Hours

This last saturday we ran an apocalypse game. Twelve thousand points to a side. Seven hours later and we had met our time limit and completed four game turns. The forces of chaos came out victorious this time, but I'd say that it came down to the final turn and some die rolls to push the imperials off a couple front line objectives to clinch the victory.

Pictures to follow.


40k Gaming Night

It's the game before our big apocalypse game. Tonight's just a precursor to the carnage we can expect this weekend. We're playing 1500 points and in the interests of going quickly I'm bringing just a few high point cost units.

  • Chaos Lord Bike, Mark of Nurgle, Daemon Weapon, meltabombs
  • 8 Thousand Sons led by an Aspiring Sorceror w/Wind of Chaos and meltabombs
  • 18 Chaos marines w/2 plasma guns and an Icon of Chaos Glory led by an Aspiring Champion w/power fist, combi plas and meltabombs
  • 10 Bikers w/mark of nurgle and 2 melta guns led by an Aspiring Champion w/power fist and melta bombs
  • Land Raider

It's fairly straightforward with the lord leading the bike charge and the thousand sons in the land raider moving up to kill anything wearing power armor.


Warhound Progress

Work on the titan is coming along better.  The major pieces are all put together. Some of the detail pistons are put on and most of the gaps have been filled with putty.  The weapons, torso, leg plates and void shield generators are all magnetized as well.

Final assembly will see the rest of the pistons put into place.  Then it's on to priming and the start of the painting process.

I'm keeping the hip and upper leg armor pieces separate for now since I think it will be easier to paint them separately.

As for the Apocalypse game this last Tuesday, the titans performed pretty well.  They pounded on each other and various doomed troops that stood between. Ahriman used a demon shell to wipe out Belial's terminator squad.

The lessons to learn are that you need weapons that can get through their armor.  These guys are super resilient.  Chainfists, Deep-striking melta-guns and massed las-fire are a must.


Fight Night

It's 40K fight night. The crowd continues to grow. I think last time there were eight people throwing down.

My buddy and I are debuting our Titans tonight. We're going to throw down a minimal (3000 point) Apocalypse game so we can be sure to have a handle on the titan rules before the next group apocalypse game.

I'm still undecided about the Strategic Asset I'm going to use, but here's what I'm bringing model-wise:
Chaos Warhound Titan
Conclave of Chaos
Demon Prince w/Wings
Demon Prince w/Wings
Demon Prince w/Wings
Demon Prince w/Wings
3 Terminators w/ 1 powerfist
3 Terminators w/ 1 powerfist
5 chosen w/Icon of Chaos & Lascannon
5 chosen
Possessed Land Raider
5 Lesser Demons
5 Lesser Demons


Titanic Proportions

Are these one and the same? I have eight pages of instructions that tell me they are! The chaos warhound titan from forgeworld has at least 150 pieces to it and an insane amount of detail inside of the model. All the parts are cleaned and on Sunday I'll have time to start removing flash in preparation for getting the legs put together.



Happy New Year

2009 is upon me. Here's some goals for this blog in the new year:
  • Post More - I already have sort of failed this since it's already 5 days into the year before I even get around to a New Year's post. I'm shooting for twice a week.
  • More Exposure - Try to get some others to come to the site. Currently it just exists as a place for me and me alone. Maybe there are other people out there who enjoy 40K and warhammer online
  • More Painting - I'm going good on this. I've got ten daemonettes a few drybrush passes away from being done. Pictures will be up soon.
  • More supplements - I've got my campaign write-up and a scenario that I want to polish up and post. I'd like to do more of these things, especially since I have a regular group that seems willing to indulge me.

That's it. We're off to the races.