
As the Gears Turn

I have only played it for an hour, but I can confidently say that Gears of War is a magnificent game. The future of video gaming is bulging veins and cooperative mode. One of the best gaming nights ever was spent playing Halo on a friends XBOX, start to finish, over the course of a christmas weekend. Gears of War has a minimal set of features, but it executes each one with confidence and layers cooperative mode on top of it. Playing with a friend on the other side of a network connection makes every accomplishment even more poignant. It doesn't matter if you are laughing at the dialog together or quietly dispatching hordes of enemies, sharing dramatic experiences is a type of fun that can not be replicated through solitary gameplay.
I am sticking to my weight loss program. Today I donated a number of clothing items and quite a lot of old computing gear. I removed a total of seventy four pounds from my life. The total is now one hundred thirty nine pounds. I am almost halfway there.
This morning I spent some quality time with a Windows XP boot disc and an afflicted laptop. The introductions were brief, and the disc and the sick laptop quickly became fast friends. They were quite smitten with each other. The relationship was speedily consumated and the computer is up and running again. There is also now an external hard disc to backup data so that these sorts of problems will be less stressful in the future.

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